Portfolio Information
- Date: Aenean imperdiet. Etiam ultricies nisi vel augue. Curabitur ullamcorper ultricies nisi. Nam eget dui. Etiam rhoncus. Maecenas tempus, tellus eget condimentum rhoncus, sem quam semper libero, sit amet adipiscing sem neque sed ipsum. Nam quam nunc, blandit vel, luctus pulvinar, hendrerit id, lorem. Maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus. Donec vitae sapien ut libero venenatis faucibus. Nullam quis ante. Etiam sit amet orci eget eros faucibus tincidunt. Duis leo. Sed fringilla mauris sit amet nibh. Donec sodales sagittis magna. Sed consequat, leo eget bibendum sodales, augue velit cursus nunc. Aenean imperdiet. Etiam ultricies nisi vel augue. Curabitur ullamcorper ultricies nisi. Nam eget dui. Etiam rhoncus. Maecenas tempus, tellus eget condimentum rhoncus, sem quam semper libero, sit amet adipiscing sem neque sed ipsum. Nam quam nunc, blandit vel, luctus pulvinar, hendrerit id, lorem. Maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus. Donec vitae sapien ut libero venenatis faucibus.
The Connect Gaming system integrates directly with all Gaming Loyalty Systems to alert gaming attendants when an event arises like a payout or drink request. All events are queued to ensure the first patron to request service, is the first one attended to. Calls rotate evenly to all attendants who are logged on to the system. Attendants receive messages via Android Smartphone, Android Smartwatches, RF pagers, DECT phones, SMS to mobile phones from Connect Gaming system.
With Connect Gaming escalation levels, you can ensure that every call gets answered within a certain time frame. If a call is not responded to in time, there is a number of different escalation types from repeating the call to another attendant or backup attendant, or notifying a Duty Manager or Gaming Manager. Managers can also be notified instantly if there are too many calls active at any one time, so they know that they need to put more staff on the floor.
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The Connect Gaming Reporting module allows any authorised user to generate real-time reports quickly and efficiently. These reports can be exported to Excel or printed as a PDF. Now you can monitor Attendants performance, busiest times and days, busy areas within a zone and receive much more information from any PC on the network. This will allow you to monitor productivity and efficiency as well as assisting in scheduling rosters, as you will know when your quiet and busy times are throughout the day.